This is a list of countries, past and present, that declared themselves socialist either in their names or list of socialist countries their constitutions. No other criteria are used;
list of socialist countries
thus, some .
The grammar is awful in the answer provided. Also, I know there are more socialist or "socialistic" countries than Sweden. Surely some government professor or .
These are communist countries not socialist. Socialism is not Communism. Most european countries today, and Canada are socialist.
This is a list of countries, past and present, that declared themselves socialist either in their names or their constitutions. No other criteria are used; thus, some .
Definitions of list of socialist countries, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of list of socialist countries, analogical dictionary of list of socialist countries (English)
Best Answer: You'll have to peruse a little, but this should give you the most up-to-date information: https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/fac
What is
a list of socialist countries? ChaCha Answer: Examples of Socialist Countries Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, China, Vietnam, S.
"Socialism has to be international. It's impossible to create socialism in one country, surrounded by a world capitalist market.
This is a list of countries, past and present, that declared themselves socialist either in their names or their constitutions. No other criteria are used; thus, some .
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List of Socialist Countries . World Photo Quiz Test your knowledge of world trivia and current affairs.
This is a list of countries, past and present, that declared themselves socialist either in their names or their constitutions. No other criteria
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